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The idea behind this series of digital illustrations was based off of one of my units called risk. My chosen topic was 'The risk of having strict parents' - and the paths you choose as a way of rebelling. Whilst exploring this theme, I ventured out into looking at the loss of identity within teenagers as it is something I can relate to, hence the blurred out faces.  

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Images I shot and referenced for my illustrations. 

The theme behind this illustration is the same as the previous series. But here I wanted to focus on sexuality as I am part of a christian family and it is not something we discuss very often. 

This piece was based off of a real life conversation I had as the person I was talking to said being bisexual is "too much experimentation" and that if I was I should have to choose between "one or the other".


This is a developing series called 'Welcome to BTEC'. The idea behind this is to promote the course I am taking and the exhibition a few others and myself will be hosting. My intention is to turn these pieces into posters to advertise around the school. This series is also based off of photos I took around my classroom. 

Based off of a photo I took, I decided to experiment with white outlining instead of my traditional use of black. I also ventured into creating more detailed backgrounds. 


As part of my promotional unit, I had to design a series of promotional material that promotes and advertises myself, my work and my course.. Here I display the 12 designs which I used to develop further into other forms of merchandise. 


One of the products I designed which was inspired by my previous designs were these T-shirts which I would sell as merchandise to promote my course. 

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